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Project Activity 1

The overall aim of this Group of Activities is to analyse  national and regional monitoring systems (legal and institutional framework of the different types, their design and implementation) and data management/assessment tools availability (including models and data bases existing at the national, regional and other levels), so that gaps are identified, and requirements and recommendations for improvements are clearly specified, taking into consideration the requirements of the ecosystem-based management of environment protection. The prepared review/report will also include information on data availability, progress in water quality classifications, QA/QC in monitoring and data management, etc.

Major findings shall be communicated at the level of the BSC, expecting the gaps and problems uncovered to be brought to the attention of relevant authorities dealing with monitoring policies and providing finances for implementation of monitoring programs and development of data management/assessment tools. The action will aim at increasing their responsiveness to the problems existing in data/information collection and their management in the Black Sea region which are the major obstacle in building scientific foundation of decision-making in the field of environmental protection.   

The following activities are planned:

1.1 Preparation of special Questionnaire;

1.2 Compilation of List of Stakeholders, communication with them and collation of information (through the Questionnaire), review of available documents;

1.3 Preparation of a Report on the findings  and Recommendations for revision of national and regional monitoring systems and for further development of tools of management and assessment of data/information (Diagnostic Report II);

1.4 Dissemination of the Diagnostic Report, work toward alignment of national funding with the needs identified in monitoring and data management.

Theme: Motion by volcanic | Plone integration: Davi Lima